PRESS RELEASE – 28 Hepetema September
Positive developments for whānau during pregnancy
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28 September 2021
Positive developments for whānau during pregnancy
Perinatal Anxiety & Depression Aotearoa (PADA) welcomes the proposed ACC changes to cover birth injuries. PADA is one of the organisations who have lobbied for this change.
At PADA, we know the mental health of the mother and her whānau is really important to creating a positive attachment to her baby. If the mother has dealt with a long and painful delivery resulting in unexpected and traumatic birth injuries, then this will create a negative effect on her relationship with her baby and the people around her.
Birth trauma is an unintended consequence of childbirth and ignoring these injuries can cause further harm. Looking after birthing parents is one of the most important things we can do to look after our babies.
PADA Kaumātua Joanne Rama says, “Traumatic births leave many Mums with PTSD which has sadly been an area which has been under resourced for far too long. We congratulate Minister Sepuloni for doing the right thing and ensuring that women can get the professional support they need to be able to recover and be the best Mother possible for their baby”.
PADA is also pleased the Government is committed to improving wellbeing and safety throughout pregnancy. The Associate Minister of Health Dr Ayesha Verrall says that work is underway to improve maternal mental health services, including developing a bereavement pathway to better support whānau experiencing the loss of a baby.
“We know that current maternity services are stretched to breaking point, and we support any initiatives that address this situation,” says PADA Board Chair, Leigh Bredenkamp.
“Too many whānau do not receive the wrap around care they need when they are pregnant, and we are delighted that perinatal mental health services are receiving priority attention. We welcome the opportunity to work closely with Minister Dr Verrall and the Ministry of Health to achieve the best outcomes possible for all whānau throughout Aotearoa.”
For further comment, please contact Treena Cooper – 04 4616318
Treena Cooper
General Manager
Perinatal Anxiety and Depression Aotearoa
E tūtaki ana ngā kapua o te rangi, kei runga, kei runga te Mangoroa e kōpae pū ana. The clouds in the sky close over, but above them spreads the milky way.
PADA PO Box 13010 Johnsonville Wellington
p. 04 461 6318
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