E tūtaki ana ngā kapua o te rangi, kei runga, kei runga te Mangoroa e kōpae pū ana | The clouds in the sky close over, but above them spreads the milky way

Get involved, raise funds, raise awareness

Perinatal Fundraising Champions

Perinatal Fundraising Champions


People who have set up fundraising events for PADA


Our Perinatal Wellbeing Champions are everyday people whose lives have been impacted in some way or another with Perinatal Mental Health issues, or who want to help raise awareness and funds for our mahi and PADA mission; Championing awareness and facilitating best practice in perinatal mental health and wellbeing to ensure all families have access to appropriate information and support. We give our sincere thanks for all the efforts of people around Aotearoa in helping support our mission.

Caitlin BranD

A PB for PND


PADA supporter Caitlin Brand is returning to running after having her two children and has made the resolution to participate in the 2023 Queenstown Half Marathon. She is raising funds to support her efforts and is kindly donating the funds raised to PADA. To support Caitlin, and PADA, donate to her Givealittle here.

“My return to running is personally significant. It marks the beginning of a new chapter after an incredibly challenging start to motherhood. I suffered from postnatal anxiety and depression with both of my babies. It’s a dark, terrifying place to be. Feelings of extreme fear and worry that consume your thoughts 24/7 … and not knowing if you will ever feel like yourself again. Then there is the very long wait for the medication to take effect, which is preceded by a further drop in mood before the fog begins to lift.

I was very lucky to have incredible support – my family, friends, midwife, doctor and the Christchurch Mothers and Babies unit – bringing me back to a better version of myself. All new mums should receive that level of care and Perinatal Anxiety and Depression Aotearoa advocate for this.”

Cherie McKinnon

Pounding the Pavement for PADA


Over the last few years, long time PADA supporter Cherie McKinnon has been happily pounding the pavement (walking) for PADA. She is donating money for every kilometre she undertakes. She has made a commitment to continue this until she is unable to walk! (We hope you look after yourself though Cherie!), and also hopes to get back into the swimming pool and will raise money for swimming laps.

Cherie is looking forward to fundraising for PADA by walking half of the Emerson’s Dunedin Marathon 2023 on Sunday 10th September 2023. We will share Cherie’s fundraising page once this is set up. Thank you so much Cherie for your unending support of PADA and Perinatal Mental Health, you truly are a champion!

Do you want to help raise funds for PADA?

Whether it be to take part in one of our fun runs, hold a work morning tea, organise a movie fundraiser or compete in a sporting event of your choice, whatever ideas you have get in touch with us at [email protected]. We’d love to hear from you!

Also check out other ways you can Fundraise for PADA!