E tūtaki ana ngā kapua o te rangi, kei runga, kei runga te Mangoroa e kōpae pū ana | The clouds in the sky close over, but above them spreads the milky way

As spaces are filling up fast to attend our second PADA Māori Perinatal Mental Health Hui, ‘Whakamana Te Whare Tangata‘ ~ Decolonising birth and restoring traditional knowledge, (Ōtautahi Christchurch in Noema November – full details here), we are excited to announce that you are now able to attend virtually – via Digital Live Stream – see below!

Also in this issue:

  • Keynote Speaker and Presenters announced
  • World Breastfeeding Week 2021 – PADA Resources
  • Māmā Aroha; a world-first Indigenous Breastfeeding App from Aotearoa
  • PADA Board receives recognition at Aroha Mahi Awards
  • Mothers Matter ‘Raise the Red Flag’ on better perinatal health care
  • Online Shop is now live!
  • Thank you to our funders


Digital Live Stream Option Available now!

If you’re unable to travel to Ōtautahi to attend the hui in person, simply purchase an online space here.

You can attend virtually all day via digital live stream for $50 per person.

Purchase your digital registration here


Keynote Speaker & Presenters announced for PADA Māori Perinatal Mental Health Hui – Ōtautahi Christchurch Noema November 2021

We are delighted to announce our full line up of the presenters for our upcoming Māori Perinatal Mental Health Hui in Noema November this year.

Our Keynote Speaker is Sarah Pallett, MP for Ilam and presenting are Dr. Kelly Waiana Tikao, Jeanine Tamati-Elliffe, Dr Hirini Kaa & Elizabeth Harte – Pēpi Penapena, Cara Meredith – Te Puawaitanga ki Ōtautahi Trust and Joanne Rama – Hine tu hine ora.

For full bio and information on all the amazing presenters read more here…

Click to download this flyer now to print and display on your noticeboards, and share with your colleagues and networks.

Our wholehearted thanks go to Rehua Marae for hosting our hui, and to lightchasers.nz for their generosity in providing us with the ability to bring our Hui to you, wherever you are in Aotearoa! And to Te Hiringa Hauora | Health Promotion Agency for their funding for this event to go ahead.


World Breastfeeding Week 2021

In 2020 we ran a series of Popup Chats online, one of which was PADA Educator Liora Noy, who presented on the PADA Popup #6; Breastfeeding and Perinatal Distress. Liora is a qualified lactation consultant (IBCLC) and runs a breastfeeding support centre in Wellington. Watch the full video here..

PADA highlights the issues surrounding Breastfeeding and Perinatal Distress in our free downloadable resource ‘Breastfeeding and Perinatal Distress’ mentioned in the video, download it here..

For more information on supporting new parents with breastfeeding see our web page dedicated to breastfeeding.


Māmā Aroha; World First Breastfeeding App Launched

For World Breastfeeding Week 2021, Hapai Te Hauora – Maori Public Health are launching the world’s first Indigenous Breastfeeding App: Māmā Aroha.

Join them via Live Stream on the SUDI Prevention Aotearoa page, Friday 6th August, at 11:00am.


PADA Board receives recognition at Aroha Mahi Awards

Our Board of Trustees were delighted to be the ‘runners up’ in the governance award section in Te Puna Tautoko Volunteer Wellington Aroha Mahi Awards held last week. Read more here…


Let’s Raise the Red Flag on the need for better perinatal health care together.

Mothers Matter is a lobbying group taking action to demand better perinatal care for all our māmā here in Aotearoa New Zealand.

If Aotearoa New Zealand is serious about making intergenerational change for the better, we must start at the beginning and look after our mothers. The scientific research into the first 1000 days of a child’s life and its impact on the rest of their life is irrefutable, this ‘window of opportunity’ after birth allows bonds to form between mothers, babies and whānau. This bond is critical to lifelong health – mental and physical. Supporting mothers today is foundational to our nation’s social and economic success and will pay dividends in the future of our society.

Our country’s perinatal mental health statistics are devastating, but we know from the stories we receive every day that there are so many more of our precious māmā suffering in silence, not able to access the care they need. Mothers Matter passionately want to change this. They are building the momentum of their campaign and want to increase allies across the country. They have many ways that you can take action. It cannot be done alone, so let’s unite our strengths. We are all in this together. If you are an individual or organisation willing to ‘Raise the Red Flag to Government’ then let them know here.

Learn more – Facebook |  Instagram | Website


Thank you to our generous funders

As always we want to say a huge huge thank you all our funders, without whom we wouldn’t be able to continue with the mahi we do, providing education and training across Aotearoa to support new families in the perinatal period.

In July Mind Over Matter Mums hosted ‘A morning for mum’ donating from every ticket sale to PADA. We have received generous funding from COGS Otago and COGS Rotorua enabling us to plan to bring our seminars to Queenstown and Rotorua respectively in 2022.  And our continued thanks for continued support from The Good Registry – for providing an opportunity for individuals to gift to PADA, and for setting up our 10 year anniversary registry.

Finally, thanks to PADA Perinatal Wellbeing Champion Cherie McKinnon for taking part in the upcoming Emmerson’s Dunedin Marathon. You can show your support for Cherie here..


PADA Online Shop is now live!

PADA’s online shop is now live! You can now shop online at the PADA website using your credit card, and by buying our products you are helping fund our mahi of education and training to support new parents in their mental health journey in the perinatal period of conception, birth and early parenting.

For more details, learn more here, or shop now!


Become a member of PADA today to receive a host of benefits, support our mahi, and receive reduced rates to our 2022 PADA Seminar Series!


We value your annual membership with us! It is because of people like you who are passionate about perinatal mental health, that we are able to provide toolsresources and training within our communities, and strengthen our work. Your membership also enables us to continue to operate as a registered incorporated society. We receive no regular government funding for our work, relying solely on grants from trusts and foundations, and generous donations.

From only $40 per year, you would receive a wide range of benefits, while helping us to provide educationtools and networking for health professionals supporting parents and whānau during the perinatal period.

These exciting membership benefits are available to individuals for $40 or organisations at $80. An organisation membership entitles up to four of your team to attend our events at the reduced fee. Membership runs one year from the date of payment received. Longer term membership options are available on request.

Membership with PADA is easy – simply click here!

You can also make a taxable donation and we also have a range of merchandise available. Go to the PADA website for a large range of information, videos and resources available.

Copyright © 2021 PADA All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
PO Box 13010 Johnsonville Wellington 6440

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