You’re invited to our second Māori Perinatal Mental Health Hui Ā-Ipurangi held this Noema November. Due to uncertainty of Covid levels, equity for all to be able to attend, and respecting the precautions put in place by our original host Rehua Marae, we are changing our hui as planned to a shortened hui ā-ipurangi ~ online hui only. The safety of our wider PADA whānau is paramount, so we look forward to bringing this slightly different hui to you at this time, until we can all meet in person again.
Register now!
Our focus for the Māori Perinatal Mental Health Hui Ā-Ipurangi 2021 is:
‘Whakamana Te Whare Tangata’ ~ Decolonising birth and restoring traditional knowledge
Bringing birthing back into a cultural family setting, where people can have their cultural and spiritual connections honoured. The belief in that the best start in life for babies of indigenous families is because of the integrated, holistic and culturally appropriate way of caring for the birthing māmā, her pēpi and her whānau. Not only the physical wellness and safety in birthing, but the socio-cultural, emotional and spiritual needs that are not necessarily always present, all of the time, in our current medical system.
We are delighted to bring this hui ā-ipurangi to you anywhere in Aotearoa on 4 Noema November 2021
Attracts 8 Midwifery Continuing Education Hours
Nau mai, haere mai!
Programme Schedule
Keynote Speaker
~ Sarah Pallett – MP for Ilam
~ Dr. Kelly Waiana Tikao
~ Jeanine Tamati-Elliffe
~ Cara Meredith, Sian Gibbons, Leisa Aumua, Keita Fuller – Te Puawaitanga ki Ōtautahi Trust
~ Joanne Rama – Hine tu Hine Ora
For complete synopses on our Keynote Speaker and Presenters visit our news page here. For the full programme schedule see more here.
Registration Options
Digital Attendance ~ $50
Ngā mihi maioha, with thanks to Te Hiringa Hauora | Health Promotion Agency for funding to enable this hui to go ahead.
Register your details here
For more information, email [email protected]
Becoming a member of PADA supports our mahi and you receive reduced rates to our PADA Seminar Series as well as a host of other benefits! See our membership page for more details.
Click to download this flyer now to print and display on your noticeboards, and share with your colleagues and networks.