E tūtaki ana ngā kapua o te rangi, kei runga, kei runga te Mangoroa e kōpae pū ana | The clouds in the sky close over, but above them spreads the milky way

It is the season for giving thanks, and this year at the PADA office we are overwhelmingly thankful to our patron Jude Dobson. She is a great champion of perinatal wellbeing, especially in helping us provide visual messaging in our mission to educate and train health professionals in Aotearoa, so they may be armed with the tools and knowledge they need to best support our māmā and whānau in Aotearoa.

We are grateful for her support and recent work in from her production company Homegrown TV, provided us with our two recent videos Power of Contact – Reducing the stigma and discrimination – a Mātauranga Māori approach and Reducing the stigma and discrimination – a Pasifika Perspective. You can see these and the rest of our PADA videos here. These videos are about reducing the stigma and discrimination when working with Māori and Pasifika whānau and were created to share with our workforce of care professionals, to become providers who are less biased and know how to practice without personal judgement which can only benefit our pregnant māmā and new parents.


The PADA team with Jude at our offices in July (Fundraising Manager Denise Graham, General Manager Treena Cooper, Jude Dobson, Comms Manager Stefanie Dixon)

Jude’s support to both this project and our mahi has been invaluable to PADA’s growth and success and we thank her for all her support and continued advocacy. It is with sadness that Jude will soon be stepping down as our patron, which means we are looking for a new patron to tautoko our mahi. If you think someone would be interested, let us know!