Let’s Raise the Red Flag on the need for better perinatal health care together.
Mothers Matter is a lobbying group taking action to demand better perinatal care for all our māmā here in Aotearoa New Zealand.
They report:
If Aotearoa is serious about making intergenerational change for the better, we must start at the beginning and look after our mothers. The scientific research into the first 1000 days of a child’s life and its impact on the rest of their life is irrefutable, this ‘window of opportunity’ after birth allows bonds to form between mothers, babies and whānau. This bond is critical to lifelong health – mental and physical. Supporting mothers today is foundational to our nation’s social and economic success and will pay dividends in the future of our society.
Our country’s perinatal mental health statistics are devastating, but we know from the stories we receive every day that there are so many more of our precious māmā suffering in silence, not able to access the care they need. We passionately want to change this. We are building the momentum of our campaign and want to increase our allies across the country. We have many ways that you can take action. We cannot do this alone, let’s unite our strengths. We are all in this together.
If you are an individual or organisation willing to ‘Raise the Red Flag to Government’ then let us know here.
To learn more visit Mothers Matter Facebook | Instagram | Website
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