E tūtaki ana ngā kapua o te rangi, kei runga, kei runga te Mangoroa e kōpae pū ana | The clouds in the sky close over, but above them spreads the milky way

Perinatal Mental Health Awareness Week


1st to 7th Mei May 2022


Raise funds and raise awareness to help every new kiwi parent!


Did you know?
New Zealand has around 60,000 births a year
Approximately 15,000 parents of those births will experience anxiety or depression as a result
40% of those experiencing postnatal distress will have experienced antenatal distress
That’s 7000 mums, 3000 dads and 12,000 children affected in some way 

Anxiety disorders are also common and occur alone or with depression. As well as mothers and birthing parents, fathers and partners also experience mental health problems around this time.



What will you do to spread awareness?


Are you one of the 1 in 4 women, or 1 in 10 men, who has suffered with mental health problems during or after the birth of your baby? 

Sharing your story increases awareness of this silent problem and helps to ensure that health professionals have the education, and future parents support needed to navigate their way safely through early parenting.


dads depression

Sharing your story on your social media is an easy way to spread awareness! 

Download the social media tiles below, share your story, and don’t forget to tag us on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn or Twitter!


Get involved – have fun, raise funds, raise awareness!  

Take part in our annual awareness and fundraiser! Happening virtually this year, this event is unique from our past events as you can choose how and wherever YOU want to #ChooseToMoveNZ

You could..
Swim 400m (16 lengths), 1.5km (60 lengths) 2.5km (100 lengths) *recreational pool
Cycle 10km (30 minutes), 20km (1 hour), Cycle 50km (3.5 hours)
Run/walk 5km, Run/walk 10km
Or your own choice – let us know!

Register for the event, then complete it anytime between 1st to 7th Mei May 2022. Let us know how you got on by posting your pics on our socials! Our virtual fundraising event, in partnership with She Moves Fitness Collective is designed to highlight the link between mental wellbeing and exercise. Registrations are $20 and all proceeds go to PADA to enable us to support the wellbeing of families and whānau throughout Aotearoa New Zealand.


Every registration will receive a free One Month Membership* with She Moves, and by posting your pictures and tagging She Moves and PADA on Facebook or Instagram, you’ll go into the draw to win ONE YEAR’S FREE MEMBERSHIP! *(One Month Membership not available for current She Moves members, everyone has a chance to win One Year’s Free Membership!)

Shut Up & Dance! for Perinatal Mental Health Awareness Week  

Dance, fun and wellbeing champions Shut Up & Dance are supporting our mission to raise awareness and raise funds for Perinatal Mental Health Awareness Week 2022! Shut Up & Dance run online and in-person classes where you learn a different routine each week from a movie or a music video. As they feel strongly about perinatal mental health awareness, they are holding an online fundraising Dance Class, on Saturday 7th May at 9:45am to raise funds and raise awareness for PADA!

Where: ONLINE – grab a device and a space at home – and dance!
Day: Saturday 7th May 2022
Time: 9:45am – 10.30am
Cost: $10

Check out our Perinatal Fundraising Champions!  

There are other ways to get together and raise awareness too. You could… fundraise, donate, hold events such as a movie night, picnic, buggy walk, morning tea, high tea, exercise class. Ask for a koha or have a donation box at your event, or set up your own event or fundraiser, through our partners at The Good Registry. Learn more about our fundraisers here.

Let others know by submitting your event details to us via email ([email protected]) so we can share your campaign!


Connect with local support groups in your area


regional perinatal support groups


Many support groups can offer services such as coffee mornings, counselling, peer support meetings, lists of local services. They are a safe place for mums or dads with perinatal anxiety or depression to connect with others, and help acknowledge their struggles. If you have previously been supported in your own perinatal mental health journey, you may wish to connect with them to see about becoming a volunteer or helping them fundraise directly. Go to our Support Services page to navigate to support services in your region.


mental health advovacy

  Perinatal Mental Health Awareness Week 2022 aims to:

  • promote awareness of antenatal and postnatal anxiety and depression
  • encourage new and expectant parents to seek help early 
  • eliminate the stigma surrounding this common health issue by advocating to Government

PADA’s mahi includes:

  • Information, education and training seminars for health professionals and parent support groups
  • National resource and service referral database
  • Website training resources including free downloadable Fact Sheets.

We’re so excited to be getting you on board! PADA relies on our generous community in Aotearoa New Zealand to eliminate the stigma of perinatal mental health issues, so we can train our health community to better help those who are silently suffering, using screening tools and the right referral paths to take. We don’t receive any government funding, relying solely on donations and grant funding, so it’s people like you who make our mahi.


World Maternal Mental Health Day

4th May is World Maternal Mental Health Day @WMMHday 2022

Since 2016 WMMH day is commemorated on the first Wednesday of May every year – which falls on 4th May in 2022. We unite with organisations from around the world in a worldwide effort to raise awareness about maternal mental health through a collective social media drive and in country events. More information available at the World Maternal Mental Health Day website.