E tūtaki ana ngā kapua o te rangi, kei runga, kei runga te Mangoroa e kōpae pū ana | The clouds in the sky close over, but above them spreads the milky way

Last week PADA presented our submission to the Pae Ora (Healthy Futures) Bill Select Committee to share the voices to the 1 in 4 māmā and 1 in 10 pāpā in Aotearoa who suffer from perinatal anxiety or depression following the birth of their pēpi, and the countless health care providers; volunteer lead perinatal support groups, midwives, GP’s, counsellors and social workers among many others.

PADA’s submission is based on what appears to be a lack of support for women and whānau during the perinatal period within Aotearoa’s public health system. Whilst we warmly support the restructuring of our health services, we are concerned about equitable access particularly for Māori, Pasifika, rainbow community and the disabled during the perinatal period – as a nation we need to improve outcomes for all wāhine and whānau particularly when they are hapū or have a new pēpi.

We brought your voices; of whānau and the health care providers working with them, who at this pivotal time need to be heard.

We cannot make these changes alone, and we work on your behalf – follow and support PADA, share our work and share your stories with us, so that we can work to bring these directly to those who can make change in Aotearoa.


PADA General Manager Treena Cooper with Co-Chair Tangata Tiriti Leigh Bredenkamp (along with PADA Kuia Joanne Rama) present their submission to the select committee.

The Bill proposes a major restructure of New Zealand’s health system by amalgamating District Health Boards and establishing a new agency – Health New Zealand – to plan, commission and deliver health services. The Bill also proposes the establishment of a Māori Health Authority and includes arrangements for Pharmac. One of the key goals of the reform is to reduce health disparities among New Zealand’s population groups.

Aotearoa New Zealand’s public health system has been found to be fragmented, inequitable and inconsistent. For some population groups, in particular Māori, Pacific peoples and people with disabilities, it results in poorer health compared to others in New Zealand.

The Pae Ora (Healthy Futures) Bill lays the foundation for the transformation of our health system to support all New Zealanders to live longer and have the best possible quality of life.

The Bill’s purpose is to:

(a) protect, promote, and improve the health of all New Zealanders; and

(b) achieve equity by reducing health disparities among New Zealand’s population groups, in particular for Māori; and

(c) build towards pae ora (healthy futures) for all New Zealanders

Watch the 10 minute submission here (PADA is the first) and a copy of PADA’s written submission can be found here. Over 4,700 submissions have been made on the Bill and the changes arising from the legislation are expected to take effect on 1 July 2022. You can read the Pae Ora (Healthy Futures) Bill here.