E tūtaki ana ngā kapua o te rangi, kei runga, kei runga te Mangoroa e kōpae pū ana | The clouds in the sky close over, but above them spreads the milky way

Back in April, submissions were closing on the Amendment Bill regarding birth injury – Accident Compensation (Maternal Birth Injury and Other Matters) Amendment Bill.

This week, the bill passed its third reading at Parliament, and expands ACC cover to birthing injuries from 1 October 2022, so more women and birthing parents will now receive cover from ACC if they suffer an injury during childbirth.

On behalf of PADA, Tangata Tiriti Co-Chair Leigh Bredenkamp was part of the group that lobbied for this change, with PADA offering a submission earlier this year. We are so thrilled that the bill has crossed the final hurdle so that anyone who suffers a birth injury can get the help they need! Our next mission will be to move onto the ensuring there is ACC cover for babies who suffer from birth injuries, as they do not currently receive any assistance from ACC.

PADA and Birth Trauma Aotearoa were proud to make submissions on behalf of all birth trauma survivors and maternity consumers – and now more women and birthing parents will now receive cover from ACC if they suffer an injury during childbirth, getting the timely, and effective, treatment and support they deserve, no matter the circumstance or the injury.

ACC Minister Carmel Sepuloni said the bill improved the gender balance, fairness, and equity of the ACC scheme. “The bill’s approach to covering maternal birth injuries is the best approach in ensuring birthing parents have the support they need to recover as quickly as possible in what will already be a time of great change in their lives,” she told the House. Sepuloni referred to an article by RNZ’s Anusha Bradley which shone a light on injuries experienced by women during childbirth, and their struggle for treatment. “It was a distressing read, but I instantly knew that this was something that needed to change.” *RNZ article 28/9/22