E tūtaki ana ngā kapua o te rangi, kei runga, kei runga te Mangoroa e kōpae pū ana | The clouds in the sky close over, but above them spreads the milky way

Te Whanganui-a-Tara Wellington

Support Services & Helplines

Specialist Maternal Mental Health Service, Capital Coast District Health Board

Specialist Maternal Mental Health
21 Hania Street, Mt Victoria, Wellington.

p. 04 806 0002
e. tewharetipu.admin@mhaids.health.nz
w. https://www.mhaids.health.nz/our-services/specialist-maternal-mental-health-service/

This service is for women who are pregnant or have a baby under one year old (at the time of referral) who are experiencing moderate to severe mental health issues.

They also provide advice for health professionals regarding medication for women who are considering becoming pregnant, or who are pregnant or breastfeeding and who have existing moderate to severe mental health or addiction problems.

Areas covered: Wellington, Porirua, Kapiti and the Hutt Valley. In the Wairarapa a member of the team works alongside GPs as well as the adult community mental health team to advise other health professionals who are caring for pregnant women or new mothers who are experiencing mental illness.


All referrals should go through Te Haika, the 24/7 mental health and addictions contact centre. You can be referred to our service by your GP, lead maternity carer or other health professional.

This is not a crisis service. If you or someone you know is in crisis and needs urgent help, please also contact Te Haika.


Te Haika, 24/7 contact centre

All referrals should go through Te Haika, the 24 hours a day, 7 days a week mental health and addictions contact centre. Te Haika provides telephone Triage for referrals to our team, and can engage MHAIDS Crisis Response Service if urgent contact is required

p. 0800 745 477
e. [email protected]

What you can expect of the service

Once your referral from a health professional is accepted, a time is arranged to meet with you and carry out an assessment.

The assessment usually takes about 90 minutes. You can go to the office in Hania St, Wellington, or at one of the community bases closer to where you live, or they can come to your home.

If they assess that they are the service best placed to help you and you agree, they will develop a plan outlining the care and treatment you require. They encourage you and your family to take part in developing the plan.

If they are not the best service for you they will provide you with information about other services that may help you.


Treatments and care provided

The maternal mental health team works with women before and after baby is born, along with their partners and whānau.

They are a team of professionals and offer a number of services, which may include:

  • specialist assessments
  • treatment and planning
  • individualised support and therapy
  • medication reviews and advice
  • mental health information
  • information about community support services.

They also work with other health care providers, e.g. your family doctor, your midwife and other professionals or services that you may be receiving care from.

Little Shadow (formerly PND Wellington)

Little Shadow offers counselling, support and information for those experiencing perinatal distress. We walk beside you in your journey, working collaboratively with health professionals and other organisations to help you on your journey to wellness.

PO Box 9362 Marion Square, Wellington 6141

p. 04 472 3135
 [email protected]
w. www.littleshadow.org.nz

Wellington Breastfeeding and Parenting Support Centre

A non-profit community-based centre, where mothers and babies can get expert help with breastfeeding and support with parenting.

p. Call or text 021 355 041
w. Wellington Breastfeeding
fb. Newtown Breastfeeding Support Facebook Page

Greenstone Doors

Greenstone Doors is a Charitable Trust which functions as a pregnancy focused centre where women and whanau are able to receive accurate and professional information and care.
providing education, counselling, resources and support for women and their families during and after pregnancy through an independent network of counselling and support professionals.

10am-5pm Tuesday-Friday

15 Dudley Street, Lower Hutt
p. 04 566 5037
m. 027 2549222 or 022 0395788 (Tues-Fri 10am-5pm)
e. manager@greenstonedoors.co.nz
w. www.greenstonedoors.co.nz
Postal Address: 
PO BOX 30 959
Lower Hutt 5040

NET – Naku Enei Tamariki Incorportaed 

Māori and Pasifika Support

Actively supporting families with new babies and children of all ages including teenagers – All services are free and confidential.

Services offered:

Early intervention – Helps whānau to establish nurturing and loving relationships with their new baby.
Family Start – Works alongside whānau to provide pep with the best start in life
Māori Parenting Programme – supports whānau to provide pep with the best start in life.
Parenting and Support Groups – Culturally appropriate parenting and support groups
Poipoia Te Mokopuma – Te Ao Māori education using Pūrākau and korero-a-iwi to inspire whānau
Early Learning – A range of programs to support families engage with early learning

NET Māori
p. (04) 939 2232
Address: Seaview, Lower Hutt 

NET Pacific and NET Pakeha/Other Cultures
Address: Level 1/15 Dudley Street, Hutt Central
e. [email protected]
p.  (04) 939 9257 
m. text/call: 021 243 4339
p. Freephone: 0800 NET INC / 0800 638 562
fb. NETPakehaPacific

Dr Kelly Kerrisk

DClinPsych, BA (Hons), MNZCCP
Clinical Psychologist
Kelly works from practice rooms in Titirangi, and also in Meadowbank, Auckland.
p. 021 032 8020
e. [email protected]
w. www.kellykerriskpsychology.co.nz
Kelly is an experienced Clinical Psychologist who is passionate about supporting women and families experiencing depression and anxiety during and after pregnancy, Post Traumatic Stress / Birth Trauma, and difficulties with attachment and the adjustment to parenthood. She draws on a range of therapeutic approaches including CBT, ACT, and Mindfulness as part of tailoring her approach to meeting the needs of each individual and family.

Tend Psychology

Dr Bronwyn Sweeney, Clinical Psychologist, Childbirth Educator.

Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), compassion, mindfulness and positive psychology.

w. www.tendpsychology.com
WellHub, Level 1, 82 Willis Street, Wellington, 6011

Kāpiti EMDR & Therapy Centre

EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) is a evidence-based psychotherapy that enables people to heal from the symptoms and emotional distress that are the result of disturbing life experiences. Studies show that by using EMDR therapy, people can experience the benefits of psychotherapy that once took years to make a difference. It is widely assumed that severe emotional pain requires a long time to heal. EMDR therapy shows that the mind can heal from psychological trauma much as the body recovers from physical trauma.

w. www.kapitiemdr.co.nz

Kāpiti EMDR Therapists:

p. 022 650 8534
e. [email protected]

Ceit Robinson Counselling
p. 022 1040 712
e. [email protected]
w. crcounselling.co.nz

Emma Sanderson Counselling & Supervision
p. 021 1783 044
e. [email protected]
w. emmastherapy.com


EMDR GroupsIf you are interested in EMDR as a short-term intervention or therapy, the 3-week EMDR Group Programme is an effective way to reprocess trauma and reduce acute distress/PTSD symptoms from a traumatic event. Learn more about group EMDR courses and upcoming dates


Dr Missy Wolfman (Clinical Psychologist)
BA, BSc (Hons), Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Psychology, PhD
w. www.Empowermums.co.nz
e. [email protected]
fb. www.facebook.com/EmpowermumsNZ
Empowermums is all about empowering you to thrive in motherhood, no matter where you are in your parenting journey. I offer individual therapy, public workshops and coffee-group talks. ‘Like’ my facebook page and receive daily tips and inspirations as well as updates on upcoming Empowermums events. I look forward to connecting with you!

Mothers Helpers

Provide support to mothers experiencing ante-natal and postnatal anxiety and depression, also offer PND Recovery courses and follow-up counselling in 12 areas across the North Island as well as online.  These are delivered by qualified counsellors, social workers, life coaches or mental health nurses.

p. 0800 002 717  or  022 093 1822
e. [email protected]
w. www.mothershelpers.co.nz

Online PND Recovery Course – Mothers Helpers provides an online 10 week Perinatal Depression/Anxiety Recovery Course.  All mums who have completed the course can go on to have therapy with your facilitator – a registered/qualified counsellor, social worker, life coach or mental health nurse.  Click here for more information about the course

Wellington (Kelburn): Group courses available, individual recovery courses on request. Course facilitator: Carolyn McIlraith