Hawke’s Bay
Support Services & Helplines
Hawke’s Bay Maternal Mental Health Service
398 Omahu Road
Hawke’s Bay 4120
p. (06) 878 8109 ext 5989
f. (06) 878 1320
w. www.ourhealthhb.nz/hospital-services/hawkes-bay-maternity
fb. www.facebook.com/HawkesBayMaternity
Hours. Monday to Friday: 8am – 4:30pm
For urgent mental health support outside of these hours, please contact the Emergency Mental Health Service on 0800 112 334.
Tuia Kōpu – Maternal Wellbeing
Tuai Kōpu is a Maternal Wellbeing programme led from Hawke’s Bay (Napier, Hastings, Central Hawke’s Bay) supporting Hapū Māmā & Māmā postnatal navigate Maternal Health and Social services. Wahine from Wairoa can access He Korowai Aroha.
Mobile Service – We book & come to you
Friendly, approachable and easy to navigate.
If we don’t know the answer – we won’t pretend if we do. We will help you connect with someone more knowledgeable in this area.
Real and Local Kaimahi
Making the exchange work for us both!
Mummy Matters Hawke’s Bay
Mummy Matters is a support group in the Hawke’s Bay, run by mums who experience some form of Perinatal Anxiety, Depression, PTSD or Birth Trauma